cleveland clinic covid19 illustration


Ear Cleaning Clinic acknowledge this is an awfully hard time for everyone, nonetheless, we are all in this together. As many of you, our wonderful clients are in high risk categories (elderly and compromised immune system) our sanitation protocols have increased to prevent the spread and additional outbreaks.

Health and Safety Standards

Ear Cleaning Clinic complies to a high standard of health and safely protocols. We have implemented and updated further procedures as required to prevent the spread and ensure our patients and staff remain all right.

Our staff are:

  • Sanitising hands (our nurses have always, and will always thoroughly cleanse their hands between patients) and all surfaces that may have come into contact with each patient
  • Increasing sanitisation of all pens, clipboards, door handles, tables/desks, chairs and eftpos machines etc to reduce risk of transmission
  • Practicing social distancing where possible – however please note that the procedure is performed within close proximity.
  • Wearing gloves and masks – Perspex screen at reception desk
  • Requiring customers to sanitise hands upon arrival to the clinic to maintain the hygiene of the clinic
  • Suppling face masks for optional use whilst in the clinic
  • Providing indoor and outdoor seating to adhere to social distancing laws – patients are also welcome to wait in their car after checking in for their appointment

These additional measures are in line with advice issues by the World Health Organisation and the Australian Government’s Department of Health.


For all the information related to this post and for what you can do to remain all right and help prevent the spread, please see the following links:

Keeping Our Patients all right 

If you have a fever, sore throat, temperature, or cold and flu symptoms, have recently travelled overseas or to a COVID-19 hotspot, have been in contact with someone who has coronavirus – please do not come into the clinic. You must phone 1800 327 253 to reschedule.

The list of hotspots is available at:

As directed by QLD government, anyone with any of the following COVID-19 symptoms should get tested – no matter how mild:

  • fever or recent history of fever
  • sore throat
  • rhinorrhoea
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • acute fatigue/myalgia/arthralgia
  • loss of smell and/or taste

People who are suspected of having any other infectious condition (e.g. other respiratory viruses) should isolate themselves until their symptoms are resolved or as otherwise clinically indicated.

Please refrain from entering the clinic until you have received a medical clearance or waited the mandatory two-week  (self-isolation) period if you are required to do so.


Further Information

If you need advice, call the National Coronavirus Help Line: 1800 020 080.

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