
Earol Olive Oil Spray

Earol metered dose olive oil mist softens impacted and compacted wax. Clinically proven to help prevent and soothe itchy ears. It aids in an easier microsuction ear wax removal, and you may not need ear suction as frequently if you use this product.

The fine mist delivers a discrete unit dose of medical grade olive oil into the outer ear, preventing over application and significantly reduces spillages.

Purchase Olive Oil Spray Online


Currently the only stockists of this product in Australia!

  • Up to 200 doses
  • Great for everyone, especially children and elderly
  • Recommended by GP’s, nurses and leading audiologists
  • Maintains ear hygiene
  • Soothes itchy and irritable ears

Disclaimer: Do not use this product if you have an ear perforation or have allergies to the ingredients listed. Use as directed by your pharmacist, audiologist, doctor or nurse.



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Keep Your Ears Clear with Earol Olive Oil Spray

If you experience impacted wax or ever have difficulty hearing due to build-ups, you should consider purchasing Earol olive oil spray. This specifically-formulated spray offers several unique benefits which all contribute to healthy ears and can help improve your hearing in the long run.

Benefits of Olive Oil Ear Spray

Olive oil isn’t just for cooking – there are several reasons that mankind has relied on the health benefits of olives and their oil for thousands of years.

  • Soften impacted and compacted wax. This is essential to avoid damage and to help remove wax that may otherwise be too difficult to extract from your ear canal safely.
  • Prevent or soothe itchy ears. Ear wax is made up from the combination of many things, including flaking skin cells. If your ear canal is irritated, it can result in more wax and an itchiness that can prompt you to push wax in further. This irritation compounds the issue and needs to be fought with olive oil spray.
  • Hear better over time. If you’re someone who has undergone micro-suction in the past, you’ll find that this olive oil ear spray both increases the productiveness of those sessions and decreases the need for you to have them as frequently.

Tips Regarding Ear Wax Removal Drops

For the most productive ear care, consider the following points:

  • Purchase products like Earol olive oil spray so you can take care of your ears at home. The key to any wellness technique is to make it a routine that you can easily engage in automatically.
  • Use the spray head that comes with the olive oil. It is suited for the bottle the oil comes in, so it will spray a metered dosage in your ear. The spray also makes it easier to apply the correct amount, thus avoiding both spills and under-application.
  • Don’t use this product if you have ear related medical conditions such as, an ear perforation, allergies, or have been instructed by your doctor to abstain from using this product until your condition is resolved.


Ear Wax Removal Product used world wide, now sold at Ear Cleaning Clinic

Our Head Registered Nurse has been practicing in ear care for over ten years. Ear Cleaning Clinic are focused on providing intelligent, productive ear care treatments, including Earol. When you arrive, you’ll be helped by a registered nurse who will walk you through all the steps. Your comfort is important to us, so we do not use any water or syringes – instead, we focus on the real benefits of the holistic use of olive oil.

We have researched for the best ear maintenance products, including plugs and drops. Our Registered Nurse will recommend the products best suited to your needs to streamline the productiveness of your ear care regime. Ultimately, we believe that education is important and will strive to effect lifestyle changes in our patients for long term solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take care of your ears.

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