Tradies, lets talk about Ear Protection

If you work with a large amount of dust, eg you’re a plasterer, concreter, cabinet maker or woodworker – this one’s for you.

Many tradies ear wax sets like concrete due to mixing with the surrounding particles and debris in their work environment.


The plugs are extremely difficult to remove and it can often be an uncomfortable experience for the patient.

To avoid the issues stated above, we highly recommend using waxsol (available at the chemist) for 2-3 days prior to your first visit with us.


Tradesmen in particular:

  • Plasterers
  • Concreters
  • Carpenters
  • Landscapers


This preparation is highly recommended to soften the wax and debris to allow for an easy  vacuum ear wax removal experience.

Please note – prior softening is not usually required for the average person; only tradies, children under 6 years of age and those who have had multiple attempts of failed syringing.

*NOTE: Do not use waxsol if you have a perforation (hole in the ear drum) or grommets.


Noise-protecting ear plugs will not only protect your hearing, but stop dust and other particles entering the ears and mixing with your wax.

We recommend the following plugs – they’re available to purchase via our online store!


Noise Reducing Plugs

Docs Pro Plugs

To book an appointment for an microsuction ear wax removal, call 1800 327 253 or book online here:

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